Although only a small percentage of the electromagnetic radiation that ترجمه - Although only a small percentage of the electromagnetic radiation that فارسی چگونه می گویند

Although only a small percentage of

Although only a small percentage of the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by the Sun isultraviolet (UV) radiation, the amount that is emitted would be enough to cause severe damage to most forms of life on Earth were it all to reach the surface of the earth. Fortunately, all of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation does not reach the earth because of a layer of oxygen, called the ozone layer, encircling the earth in the stratosphere at an altitude of about 15 miles above the earth. The ozone layer absorbs much of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation and prevents it from reaching the earth.
Ozone is a form of oxygen in which each molecule consists of three atoms (O3) instead of thetwo atoms (O2) usually found in an oxygen molecule. Ozone forms in the stratosphere in a process that is initiated by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. UV radiation from the Sun splits oxygen molecules with two atoms into free oxygen atoms, and each of these unattached oxygen atoms then joins up withan oxygen molecule to form ozone. UV radiation is also capable of splitting up ozone molecules; thus,ozone is constantly forming, splitting, and reforming in the stratosphere. When UV radiation isabsorbed during the process of ozone formation and reformation, it is unable to reach Earth and cause damage there.
Recently, however, the ozone layer over parts of the earth has been diminishing. Chief amongthe culprits in the case of the disappearing ozone, those that are really responsible, are thechlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs meander up from Earth into the stratosphere, where they break down and release chlorine. The released chlorine reacts with ozone in the stratosphere to form chlorinemonoxide (ClO) and oxygen (O2). The chlorine then becomes free to go through the cycle over andover again. One chlorine atom can, in fact, destroy hundreds of thousands of ozone molecules in thisrepetitious cycle
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نتایج (فارسی) 1: [کپی کنید]
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Although only a small percentage of the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by the Sun isultraviolet (UV) radiation, the amount that is emitted would be enough to cause severe damage to most forms of life on Earth were it all to reach the surface of the earth. Fortunately, all of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation does not reach the earth because of a layer of oxygen, called the ozone layer, encircling the earth in the stratosphere at an altitude of about 15 miles above the earth. The ozone layer absorbs much of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation and prevents it from reaching the earth.Ozone is a form of oxygen in which each molecule consists of three atoms (O3) instead of thetwo atoms (O2) usually found in an oxygen molecule. Ozone forms in the stratosphere in a process that is initiated by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. UV radiation from the Sun splits oxygen molecules with two atoms into free oxygen atoms, and each of these unattached oxygen atoms then joins up withan oxygen molecule to form ozone. UV radiation is also capable of splitting up ozone molecules; thus,ozone is constantly forming, splitting, and reforming in the stratosphere. When UV radiation isabsorbed during the process of ozone formation and reformation, it is unable to reach Earth and cause damage there.Recently, however, the ozone layer over parts of the earth has been diminishing. Chief amongthe culprits in the case of the disappearing ozone, those that are really responsible, are thechlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs meander up from Earth into the stratosphere, where they break down and release chlorine. The released chlorine reacts with ozone in the stratosphere to form chlorinemonoxide (ClO) and oxygen (O2). The chlorine then becomes free to go through the cycle over andover again. One chlorine atom can, in fact, destroy hundreds of thousands of ozone molecules in thisrepetitious cycle
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نتایج (فارسی) 2:[کپی کنید]
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اگر چه تنها درصد کمی از تابش الکترومغناطیسی است که توسط خورشید isultraviolet (UV) تابش های ساطع، مقدار است که ساطع می شود به اندازه کافی به علت آسیب شدید به بسیاری از اشکال حیات بر روی زمین از آن همه برای رسیدن به سطح زمین بود . خوشبختانه، تمام اشعه ماوراء بنفش خورشید می کند، زمین به دلیل یک لایه از اکسیژن، به نام لایه اوزون از دسترس نیست، محاصره زمین در استراتوسفر در ارتفاع حدود 15 کیلومتری بالای زمین است. لایه ازن بسیار از اشعه ماوراء بنفش خورشید را جذب و آن را از رسیدن به زمین جلوگیری می کند.
ازن شکلی از اکسیژن است که در آن هر مولکول متشکل از سه اتم (O3) به جای thetwo اتم (O2) معمولا در یک مولکول اکسیژن یافت می شود. اشکال ازن در استراتوسفر در یک فرایند است که توسط اشعه ماوراء بنفش از خورشید آغاز تابش UV از خورشید تجزیه مولکول های اکسیژن با دو اتم به اتم های اکسیژن آزاد، و هر یک از این اتم اکسیژن متصل نشدهاست سپس می پیوندد تا مولکول اکسیژن را به withan ازن. تابش UV می باشد همچنین قادر به تبدیل کردن مولکول های ازن. در نتیجه، ازن به طور مداوم تشکیل، تقسیم، و اصلاح در استراتوسفر. هنگامی که اشعه UV در طول فرایند تشکیل ازن و اصلاح isabsorbed، آن قادر به رسیدن به زمین و باعث آسیب وجود دارد.
به تازگی، با این حال، لایه اوزون در بخش هایی از زمین تا به کاهش است. رئیس مجرمان در مورد ازن ناپدید amongthe، کسانی که واقعا به عهده دارند، thechlorofluorocarbons ها (CFCs). سی اف سی ها پر پیچ و خم از زمین را به استراتوسفر، جایی که آنها شکستن و کلر را آزاد کند. کلر آزاد با ازن در استراتوسفر واکنش نشان می دهد به شکل chlorinemonoxide (CLO) و اکسیژن (O2). کلر و سپس آزاد را از طریق چرخه بیش از andover دوباره می شود. یک اتم کلر می تواند، در واقع، از بین بردن صدها هزار نفر از مولکولهای ازن در چرخه thisrepetitious
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